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5 Steps to Get Started with SEO (in Less Than A Day)

Shut the noise of “experts” and “marketing gurus”. And listen to this very carefully. SEO IS VERY EASY!!! And if someone tells you anything otherwise, stop listening to them right there, right then.

In fact, even if you’re just a beginner who’ve got a website, you can start with Search Engine Optimization in as less as one day. Here are 5 steps to do that:

1. Keywords research

Yes, even in this day and age when search engines have come a long way, keywords research still play a crucial role in SEO. In fact, it’s a cornerstone in this niche that should have most of your attention if you’re starting.

Thankfully, as important as it is, doing keywords research is incredibly easier. Google Keyword Planner is your go-to. But if you’re looking for much-simplified tools that are equally powerful, Ubersuggest and are your best choices. As for LSI keywords, research on them on

Once you have all the important primary, secondary and LSI keywords, sprinkle them throughout your website; in meta tags, contents, homepages, web pages, alt-tags and more.

2. Content creation

The old-school professionals hate it. But the matter of fact of today is that contents are more important in SEO than anything else.

Search engines like Google and Bing want high-quality contents on your website. And if you don’t give them that, they have no problem ranking you at the very bottom, regardless of how great your product is and how attractive the web design is.

So, start creating amazing, engaging and relevant contents. First, fill your home, about and contact page with useful contents. And then move on to blogging. For the starters, produce few basic (but highly valuable) blog articles; include keywords in them. And then index all these contents on Google Search Console.

Now note, content creation is an on-going process that will continue for as long as you chip SEO efforts. However, in just first few hours – if you’re not chasing the words count and are solely focusing on the resourcefulness – you can create enough contents on your website to get some love from search engines.

3. Off-page optimization

There are many off-page things that you can (and MUST) do to improve your website ranking on search engine. Backlinks are the foremost and most important step here. Get link backs from other quality websites. Note, backlinks don’t necessarily have to be doFollow; noFollow is decent too.

You can submit the link of your website in relevant directories and social bookmarking sites. You can start posting on forums with your website URL. You can also go for PR submission to get backlinks. Also, create accounts on Question-Answer websites and post your link – along with relevant and resourceful contents – there.

Of course, there are plenty other off-page optimization strategies, including guest blogging. But for the starters, stick to these. They are quick to implement with good rewards.

4. Website speed and usability

Did you know 53 percent of visitors will leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? And if the visitors don’t like your website, you don’t expect the search engines to like it, do you? Google dislikes sites that are slow and have poor usability.

So, check the speed of your website. Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights. The tool, aside from scoring the website on its speed and usability, also comes up with recommendations how you can improve in departments where you lag. Each of these recommendations is also accompanied by in-depth guides and troubleshooting.

So, work on improving the speed and usability of your website the DIY-way. If it’s confusing or difficult, just hire a professional or agency to do that.

5. The technical sides

With CMSs becoming the new standard of creating a website, SEO doesn’t really have too many technical aspects nowadays that would require a lot of your time. There’s a plugin for nearly everything. If you have WordPress or Joomla website, use relevant plugins/extensions to:

  • Create XML sitemap
  • Use robots.txt file
  • Clutter down the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes
  • Speed up the website (yes, you can do that even automatically!)
  • Fix issues with internal link structure
  • Resolve canonical tag issues
  • Optimize website for mobile devices

There are also plugins/extensions of top Content Management Systems that are uniquely developed for SEO purpose. Install them on your website and they will effectively handle the SEO-end of the site for you. Quickly. Automatically.

These are 5 steps to help you start with SEO in as less as one day. Now, they don’t sound too difficult to understand and implement, do they?

So, again, SEO is easy! You’ve just got to know what to do. And now you know, go do it and win over search engines easily.

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