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6 Email Marketing Strategies to Drive Big Sales (Quickly)

For every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect to get a return of $38.

Did you know that?

In an age where social media is reigning the hype-ville, emails still hold a prominent position in the marketing space. In fact, 246 billion emails are expected to be sent every day by the end of 2019. Yes, two hundred and forty-six billion emails. EVERY DAY.

So, if you’re a business owner and still not sold just how crucial emails are for your revenue, you’re only writing for yourself a failure story. Fix it immediately!

Good thing is that the task-at-hand is fairly easy. Even when relying on a DIY approach, you can effectively use emails as a medium to promote your brand/product and achieve business goals if you’ve got the right strategies. Again, it’s fairly simple.

Here are 6 email marketing strategies to convert subscribers into customers and drive big sales:

1. “Hey *insert name here*, how are you?”

A person’s name is the sweetest sound, said Dale Carnegie. And he’s right! Don’t you love it when someone calls you by your name?!

Address your subscribers in the emails on a more personal level. Greet them by their name. Use “you” “your” in good amount. Create personalized contents that are unique to their needs and preferences.

2. Segment your email list

Personalizing your emails to cater to a diverse group of subscribers is difficult and too much manual work. This is where email segmentation comes—a standard feature that nearly all top email marketing companies offer.

You group your subscribers into different categories and then opt for unique email campaigns and contents for each of them depending on where they stand on the customer journey map.

3. No more those fancy email

Yes, there was a time when those colorful (read: obnoxious) and multiple-column newsletters were a big craze. Thankfully, that’s not the case today. Now, what sells are plain, simple and content-rich emails.

So, say goodbye to fancy email designs. Focus on content and not how it looks. Also, be careful of the mobile experience. Too many email designs – and even content for that matter – is never appealing for mobile users.

4.The perfect time to push an email

Honestly, there’s no perfect time to send emails. And a lot also depends on who you’re sending the email to. The night is usually the right time if you’re targeting teens and young bunch; morning is good for working professionals.

Generally speaking though, from 8:00 pm to 00:00 am is considered to be good hours to send emails. Also, weekends deliver higher ROI than emails send on weekdays.

5. Don’t sell. ENGAGE.

Yes, your end business goal is to make sales and generate revenue. However, this doesn’t mean you strive to sell something to your subscribers right from the first email. It’s a recipe for failure.

Email marketing will only work when your subscribers trust you. And this won’t happen if you’re pushing them your products in every email. This space is not to directly sell but to strike conversations and connect with your audience. Your emails must engage the subscribers, hook them up and build trust.

6. Use email automation

Automation is one of the biggest blessings of email marketing. You don’t need to stick to your keywords and push emails to your subscribers, manually, on a regular basis. You can simply create a bunch of content all at once and then automate them for selected segments.

Once someone joins your email list, the drip campaign will automatically be triggered, and the subscriber will start getting emails in a series, in an interval set by you. There are many types of email automation triggers, depending on the email marketing service you have chosen. The more triggers, the simpler it would be for you to engage and convince subscribers and achieve your business goals.

These are 6 email marketing strategies that would help you convert your subscribers into purchasing customers.

Take our words—if you manage to recognize the true power of emails, you would easily be able to drive massive sales at cheap. So, start collection emails of your website visitors and take up these strategies to take your business to the next level.

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