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Digital Marketing

How to Use Digital Marketing for Your (Grand) Business Success

As much benefits as effective digital marketing strategies pack, many businesses – the small ones in particular – are yet to tread this water.

Among other initial challenges they face are not knowing how to move about in this direction. And second, strapping away a large part of their budget to marketing efforts isn’t a very appealing option (is it?)— At least to ones who fail to distinct investment from cost.

How well are you promoting your products/brand on the digital scene? How much are you spending in this department?

Using digital marketing for your business success is much easier than what many self-claimed experts claim. And the best part? It won’t even cost you big; free, at times, in fact.

Depending on your distinct needs, requirements, and goals, here are 7 different components of digital marketing that can pump-up your business for seamless online success:

1. Content Marketing

With outbound efforts fading, content marketing has managed to dash itself in the spotlight. And why not really!

Studies have found that content marketing generates over 3 times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62 percent less.

From texts and images to videos, infographics and games—you can use a wide range of contents, across distribution channels, to reach your target audience and carry your brand’s message. Blogging is the most popular option.

2. Search Engine Optimization

SEO includes using strategies to rank higher on search engines for selected keywords. It includes identifying your target audience and then doing keywords research to find the most relevant search queries for which you want your business to rank high on the likes of Google and Bing.

An awful lot of factors come into play (over 200) whether your website will rank high or not; contents, backlinks and link building are the most important ones.

3. Pay Per Click

A part of search engine marketing, PPC includes paying for ads. Google AdWords is your go to.

Do keywords research intensively! Find relevant, high traffic and less competitive queries, and the create campaigns. Depending on the competition level in your niche, whenever someone use the search queries that you’re targeting, your ad would be displayed at the top of the search engine result page.

Did you know, on average, businesses get $2 for every $1 they spend on Google AdWords?

4. Social Media Marketing

As is evident with the name, social media marketing is basically promoting your business on social channels. However, don’t let this simplified definition fool you. Pulling the strategies perfectly is easier said than done.

First task is to pick up the most relevant social media platforms for your brand/product. Next is consistently pushing interesting contents, keeping promotion at minimal, to attract, engage and convert your audience into purchasing customers.

5. Email Marketing

Even till this day, email marketing is still just as relevant with smart marketers always going gaga over it. And there’s a good reason behind that. According to study, for every dollar spent on email marketing, businesses get an average return of $38.

For this to work, you need to grow a relevant email list. And for that, you need to implement subscription box on your website. Also you must come up with different strategies to collect your prospects’ customers. The bigger your mailing list is, higher will be your reach, which would eventually transcend into higher conversion.

These are 5 important components of digital marketing that you need to embrace to pull online success for your business. If you go beyond, the scope is seamless with many other components available, from influencer and viral marketing to mobile advertisement and PR.

For the starters, focus on the above mentioned 5 simple and cost-effective components. If things look blurry and you’re kind of lost as to where to head, you can always take hands of a good digital marketing company.

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